
Why is a Hysteroscopy performed?

Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic procedure, which allows the direct visualization of the cervical canal and internal uterine architecture. A hysteroscope is a lighted flexible telescope, which has been scaled to size so passage through the cervix into the uterus occurs relatively easily. This may reveal defects, which may cause infertility problems (such as polyps, fibroids, tumors, bands of scar tissue or congenital abnormalities).

When is a Hysteroscopy scheduled?

It is necessary to schedule the hysteroscopy at the time between the complete cessation of menstrual flow and before expected ovulation. You doctor will determine the most appropriate time for the hysteroscopy based on your menstrual cycle length.

Where is the procedure performed?

One of our physicians performs the procedure in our office, in the comfort of our hysteroscopy suite. Your office visit will last approximately 30 minutes. The actual instrumentation usually takes only a few minutes.

What is involved?

A hysteroscopic exam begins with placing a speculum in the vagina to allow access to the cervix. The vagina will be cleansed with an antibacterial solution. The flexible hysteroscope will then be channeled through the cervical canal. Small amounts of saline will be used as distending media to better visualize the uterine cavity. Occasionally, a grasping instrument is used on the cervix to immobilize it and straighten the cervical canal – local anesthesia is then utilized to minimize your discomfort.

After the procedure, the instruments will be removed. If necessary, a tampon may be placed in the vagina to contain the small amount of bleeding related to grasping of the cervix.

How to prepare for Hysteroscopy

On the day of the procedure, you may have meals, but eat lightly. Approximately 30 minutes before your appointment take 600-800 mgs of either Advil or Motrin.

Please notify us if you have Mitral Valve Prolapse and require prophylactic antibiotics. You may need to take some antibiotics for this procedure, if you take them prior to dental procedures. Please notify us of any allergies.

Post Procedure Instructions

• If a tampon has been inserted, please remove 2-3 hours after procedure.

• Avoid sexual intercourse for 24 hours or until spotting has stopped.

• Call the Doctor if there is excessive vaginal bleeding, fever or foul-smelling discharge.

• Remember it is common to have spotting for a day or two after the procedure.

Please do not hesitate to call our office if you have any questions about symptoms you are experiencing.